Tuesday 16 June 2015

Menopause & Bladder Control Problems

Also known as urinary incontinence, bladder control problems are a general complication of menopause but can happen at any age. Luckily, there’re several options accessible for incontinence treatment.

How Does Menopause Have An Effect On Urinary Incontinence?

During and after menopause, female hormone estrogen levels drops considerably. Besides controlling your monthly period and body changes during pregnancy, estrogen aids to keep the urethra and the bladder healthy.

Deficiency in estrogen may also make the pelvic muscles which supports bladder control to deteriorate, resulting in urge incontinence.

What Type Of Bladder Control Issues May Occur After Menopause?

Several Bladder Control Issues Which May Occur Due To Menopause Include:

• Stress incontinence – stress from coughing, sneezing, or lifting can force urine through the deteriorated urethra. This type of seepage is known as stress incontinence. It’s one of the most common type of bladder control issues in older women.

• Urge incontinence –it’s another very frequent bladder control issue. With this state, the bladder muscles press at the incorrect time – or all the time – and cause seeps.
• Painful urination
• Nocturia –the urge to get out of the bed to urinate many times at night

What else can cause bladder control issues in older female?

Menopause may not be the single cause for bladder control issues. There’re other medical states that may cause incontinence, including:

• Infections
• Earlier pregnancies
• Nerve injury from stroke or diabetes
• Drugs such as tranquilizers or diuretics
• Difficulty in moving or walking
• Smoking cigarettes and drinking caffeine or alcohol can contribute to your bladder control issue.

To diagnose a bladder control issue, your physician will first acquire a detailed medical record and do a physical test, including a pelvic test. Your urine will be tested also for symptoms of infection or other issues.

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Thursday 7 May 2015

FAQs for Kegel Exercises

Kegel ExercisesKegel exercises are the most productive means of incontinence treatment naturally. This sort of exercise can help both men and women with urinary incontinence, regardless of the cause or age of the individual. Kegel workouts aim to reinforce pelvic floor muscles that hold up the bladder. When your pelvic floor muscles are fragile, you’re at greater risk of involuntary urine seeps. The importance of alleviating urinary incontinence through Kegel exercises is now widely accepted.

Who Can Get Help From Kegel Exercises?

Anybody, at any age, who experience urinary incontinence can benefit from Kegel exercises. While the exercises primarily assist those with stress incontinence, it also can assist those with urge incontinence from overactive bladder. Men with urinary incontinence issues can perform kegel exercises as well.

How Do Kegel Exercises Assist?

Kegel workouts reinforce the muscles that assist control the urethra. If these muscles are weak, the consequence can be urinary incontinence. When Should One Expect To Notice Results From Kegels?
Just like you need time to develop and strengthen your bicep muscles, it takes time to reinforce the pelvic floor muscles. Perform the Kegel exercises 3 to 6 weeks and you will definitely see result.

When And Where One Should Do Kegel Exercises?

The good thing about Kegel exercise is that you can do it just about anytime, anywhere. Nobody would know except you inform them what you’re doing. Try performing a set of Kegel exercise when you’re inside your car, watching Television, or sitting at your office. To ensure you’re doing Kegels perfectly, ask your physician to explain the appropriate form.

Do You Require Any Tools For Kegel Exercises?

Not for performing Kegels alone. For females, some physicians may recommend employing weighted cones as they perform Kegel workouts. The idea is to put in these vaginal cones, accessible in different weights, and do the Kegel workouts with the cones in place. A female would steadily increase the load of the cone she puts in. Occasionally, Kegel exercises are utilized in mixture with biofeedback, a screening system that assist you get control over physical practices such as control. And at times Kegels are performed in grouping with electrical stimulation, in which very short dosages rouse muscles in the area.

Why Kegelmaster Is The Best Incontinence Equipment?

The Kegelmaster is a unique vaginal exerciser, specifically designed to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. Using progressive resistance it strengthens, tightens and lifts pelvic floor muscles in just a few minutes a day! No doubt Kegelmaster is the best ever treatment for incontinence.

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Wednesday 15 April 2015

Facts about Urinary Incontinence That You Should Know

Incontinence TreatmentUrinary incontinence is one of the major medical conditions that have never received the attention that they deserve. It is a very common condition that many people brush aside because it often appears trivial in most people’s eyes. But, urinary incontinence is a serious medical condition that you should be given the attention that it deserves. Perhaps you hardly know the dangerous that are associated with this medical condition. If so, you may also wish to dismiss it as a simple medical condition. There are numerous dangerous that are associated the condition. However, one of the major consequences of the condition is being unable to control the urinary system. A victim of this condition may urinate in awkward situations. For example, you may pass urine during a lecture in a theatre for lectures or you may pass urine while laughing. The urine ejects from your bladder without warning leaving your clothes wet and smelly. Here are some important facts about urinary incontinence that you should never forget.

It is always important to identify the symptoms that are associated with any kind of medical condition. This also applies to urinary incontinence. There are many symptoms that you can consider before you can deduce whether the condition you are suffering is actually urinary incontinence or not. Here are some of the major symptoms that you should take into account. The symptoms often depend on the type of urinary incontinence that you are suffering from. In general, two major types of incontinence are known. There is stress incontinence and urge incontinence. One of the major symptoms that is associated with stress incontinence is the fact that you may pass urine involuntarily and when under pressure such as during coughing or laughing. The latter is where you pass urine after feeling an urge or shortly after. In both cases, you will not have any ability or you will have little ability to control the passing of urine.

When it comes to incontinence treatment, medical doctors often take into account the severity before prescribing any kind of medication. For versions of the condition that are simple and less severe, the use of simple training techniques is often enough. Where training techniques are concerned, the patient involved will only be required to train one’s bladder and the sphincter muscles. The training is aimed at enabling the muscles to eventually learn how to control the closing and open of the bladder. This may take a bit of time, but the results are often impressive. If the condition is more severe than this, other incontinence treatment methods may be administered. A life style change is also appropriate. For example, patients are often advised to change their eating and drinking habits. Sometimes electrical simulation may be administered for severe conditions. The simulation technique is used to strengthen the urethral and muscles of the pelvic floor. There are also medications such as anticholinergics which are used to calm down the bladder if it is hyperactive.

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Thursday 12 March 2015

Diet Changes to Help You Get Control Over Urinary Incontinence

12Certain changes in lifestyle can sometimes alleviate your urinary incontinence. For instance, many physicians recommend cutting certain drinks and foods from your diet. But everyone is not similar, and what works for 1 individual mayn’t work for another. The greatest means to discover what foods activate your symptoms is to deal with 1 item at a time.
Below are few changes you can make for better result in the course incontinence treatment:

• Be careful while consuming water – no doubt drinking sufficient water is recommended by most of the physicians. But if you’ve incontinence, then drinking a lot of water can pose problems. So ask your doctor how much fluid you should consume in a day.

• Go easy on alcohol – alcohol has a direct impact on the bladder. It lowers suffers’ control over the organ - meaning you require to go more often. So be cautious about consuming alcohol if you are undergoing treatment for incontinence.

• Cut back on caffeine – caffeine can be found in teas, soft drinks and chocolate. Not just does it make you feel like you’ve to go, but it also forces your body to get rid of fluids. Your best bet will be to eradicate caffeine from your diet, and decrease it if you cannot go cold turkey.

• Decrease the amount of consumption spicy foods – if you’ve an overactive bladder, ignore eating spicy foods such as Chinese, Mexican, chilli peppers and horseradish. According to health experts, spicy foodstuffs exasperate the liner of your bladder just like caffeine does.

• Ignore acid - Citrus foods & juices such as pineapple and orange have acid that can trouble your bladder & makes you sense like you’ve to go. Tomatoes are very acidic also. Cranberry juice is acknowledged for clearing up bladder infections, but it does not assist with overactive bladders.

• Avoid carbonated drinks – even though carbonated drinks do not have caffeine, they mayn’t be a great option for you. The carbon dioxide in the carbonated drink can exasperate a sensitive bladder; make you feel the urge to go.

Other Concerns:

Diet is not the only thing that deteriorates overactive bladder symptoms & some incontinence. Other causes comprise diabetes, weight gain, constipation, aging, pregnancy and certain type of cancers. Discuss with your physician regarding what is going on, don’t try to hide anything. You can certainly find the treatment for incontinence if you leave your embarrassment behind and talk openly with your doctor.

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